Sunday 13 May 2012

MEN... memang blur, or saje buat2 blur??

I hate it when I feel angry, or kecik hati, or merajuk, and then that specific person didnt even notice, or buat2 x tau.. or just ignore the fact that I'm merajuk.. Yup!! that's what they call a MAN.. or specifically, my hubby..  huhu.. dulu time before kawin, merajuk sket je, terus pujuk.. kadang siap dgn present2 lg.. skarang, time anak dah dua.. kita merajuk pun die x sedar.. or saja buat x nak sedar..blur btol laaa... huhuhuhu....

Anyway, I realised that when I'm angry, or kecik ati with hubby, I have this extra energy that I dont know where to channel it? I dont usually lepaskan marah outloud.. I'm more of simpan dalam kinda person.. if its really bad, then I'll cry by myself.. So, when I have this extra energy inside, it usually stops me from sleeping.. susah nk tido.. terkebil2 mata time malam.. hmmm, actually I could have use this time to do something more beneficial kan? but because its late at night, plus my mind jadi x tenang sbb hati marah, so end up not doing anything, just pandang siling je la.. huhu

Conclusion from this is: 
1) Kalo rasa nk merajuk, kene bg tau.. "B! I merajuk ni!! you tau tak??" hehehe.. kalo x, buat rugi je berhari2 pendam perasaan..
2) try and get it solved as quickly as possible.. Penat je rasa marah ni.. It consumes a lot of your energy and space in your head.. nak pikir benda lain susah.. 
3) Hmm.. buang  masa je sebenarnya merajuk ngan hubby ni... bukannya we can change anything pun..

So, the main point that I'm trying to say is, get straight to the point.. Good communication is essential in keeping the relationship going... Tu la, apa yg I dpt from merajuk ni pun, I'm not sure.. just that sometimes ada ego sket, xnak ckp sorry dulu... worth it ke??

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