Saturday 5 May 2012

Worth Every Penny

Today, I would like to share the reasons why Premium Beautiful (PB) is claimed to be "WORTH BUYING" by so many women out there. If you are in any of these groups, take a moment to consider of buying yourself a set of PB.

1) PERUT BUNCIT (aka flabbiness), probably due to post-pregnancy, or just not enough exercise. 

I have the same problem too..Despite the petite figure I have, and weigh roughly about 46kg, flabbiness / perut buncit is a big problem I have. Sometimes I like to tarik nafas dalam2, just to hide it for a while.. Tapi berapa lama la sgt bleh tahan nafas.. hahaha
(FIR in PB can burn the extra calories dekat perut buncit tu, thus can tackle this problem)

2) Being FAT. xkesah la, dalam bahasa sopannya montel, atau chubby, its still an extra fat, anywhere in the body parts. If you have tried to loose weight, but have not succeeded, lets try PB. (FIR in PB can burn calories up to 900 calories in an hour)

3) If you have tried to get pregnant, but still belum ada rezeki, why not give PB a try. FIR in PB, and the concept of the corset itself acts to help with memudahkan to conceive, InsyaAllah

4) In confinement (dalam pantang), needs to be wearing bengkung, and with PB it helps membetulkan kedudukan rahim, memulihkan sistem peranakan, hilangkan kesan stretch mark, and back to your body shape.
Instead of wearing bengkung biasa, why not try PB!
5) Having BAD menstrual pain every month? Or irregular period that comes whenever 'she' likes?
FIR in PB helps to melancarkan peredaran darah, and stabilizes the hormones on our body.

6) Suffering from back pain due to:
- sitting in front of the computer at work, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.
- women who had just given birth, (mostly by caesarean section)
- breastfeeding with improper position that promotes back pain
PB is certified by American Chiropractic Association, and is recommended for back pain.

7) Suffer from a bad migraine? (FIR in PB stabilizes hormones, improves blood circulation, thus helps prevents bad migraine).

8) Sagging breasts? because of ill fitting bra that doesn't support the breasts / ageing processes.
(PB is a designed corset that helps to tackle this problem, makes the breasts firm again, gives a good support to the breast. Moreover it does not interfere with breastfeeding). 

If you still think that PB is expansive, think again. 

Offer that you can not resist:

1 set of PB (includes long bra, long girdle, and waist nipper), you'll get RM 400 discounts of the retail price. 

Make an appointment NOW

sms/ whatsapp/ call: 012-9770385

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