Tuesday 17 July 2012

the LEARNING curve

Met with Adam's teacher yesterday to discuss his progress in school.. YES! that's it.. Adam is not even 2 years old yet, but he has started to sit in classes to just do a few activities, and learn.. This is the kind of learning that I expect him to be involve in anyway.. I want him to have a few friends, get to mix around with his peers, and learn that 'learning' is actually fun!

Adam had times when he hate going to school.. kalo dah hantar tu, he'll want to masuk balik kereta.. Na and Atok used to takut2 kan die about school.. like: "Adam noti nanti atok hantar school nak?".. That kind of stuff, makes he hate school.. He used to just sit at the back, not wanting to socialise, and sleep most of the time.. I wonder why?

But now, thankfully.. after die dah dapat his mulut ni.. banyak cakap.. get to express what he wants, his feelings.. he started to socialise even more.. dah boleh pujuk pegi school.. this week, when I send him to the school gate.. he'll hold my hands, sampai depan pintu.. take off his shoes..put it on the rack.. and salam me.. kiss on the cheecks, and lastly on the mouth.. then say bye2.. oh, and before he leaves the house, he also said bye2 to his pet turtle.. hahaha...

Its just his routine that I have to make sure he follows.. is not, he'll be upset, and merajuk xnak gi school. Yesterday, knowing that his teacher is looking into his progress the same way I look into it.. and she realises what Adam needs to be working on.. gives me such a relief.. I've chosen the right school for Adam.. FUUUUHHHHH....... lega.. This is the reason why I have a strong opinion about good education, and good teachers.. Good teachers cater for the individual needs of their students. And I do believe that every children deserve that opportunity to good education..

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