Saturday 28 April 2012

A Good Investment Indeed

I have to admit that I'm never good with managing money. If you give me tasks to manage my kids, kemas rumah, planning holidays, sume boleh ditanggung beres. But if it comes with limited budget, hmmmmmm then I may have problems. hehe.. So, when I want to invest in this PB, things that came to my mind to consider are:

1) If it is good for health purposes, then its a good investment. (Kurang sakit2 badan, kurang makan ubat, kurang cuti sakit, can be more efficient with work, do more at home, spend more quality time (including main kuda with Adam), and also be efficient at home), then its a good investment.

2) If it is good for being healthy, where I do not need to diet like crazy, eat good food macam biasa, and at the same time be fit, and in good shape. (Husband pun puas hati), then its a good investment.

PB = Good Investment
3) When calculating balik the amount of money I spent to buy my undergarments (nak cantik la, lacy la, branded la, selesa la) in a year, times 5 years and compare it to PB that is not just good for health, but also beauty, plus the lifetime warranty and ade plak nanti bleh repairkan kalo rosak sikit2... hmm you do the math la. sangat good investment.

So when my financial expert (my hubby) took these points into consideration, he then also agreed that PB is a good investment. Try to think of things that you waste a lot of money on, eg: wedding reception which you usually waste thousands on a one-day occasion, buying expansive cars that will only depreciate as years passed, etc... Compare this to buying PB, it is so much more a good buy, where the benefits outweigh the reasonable cost of PB itself. Have a good 10 minutes to think of this...

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